Empowering you to consciously create the life your soul is meant to live.

Step into the life your soul has been craving—where deep healing replaces old patterns of struggle and scarcity with endless freedom and fulfillment.

It's your time to embrace radical self-love, unapologetically own your power, and elevate into your most authentic, unstoppable self.

Are you ready to rise?



Ask Yourself...

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by your heightened sense of empathy and struggle to set healthy boundaries, preventing you from experiencing deep "soul-care?”
  • Are you desperately wanting to break free from the constraints of your past conditioning and finally reclaim authority over your own life?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by your heightened sense of empathy and struggle to set healthy boundaries, preventing you from experiencing deep "soul-care?”
  • Are you desperately wanting to break free from the constraints of your past conditioning and finally reclaim authority over your own life?
  • Are you chronically restless and “know” there is something else you need to be doing but can’t quite figure out what that is?
  • Do you use escapism tactics like drinking or binging Netflix because you just don't know how to create a different reality for yourself?
  • Are you chronically restless and “know” there is something else you need to be doing but can’t quite figure out what that is?
  • Do you use escapism tactics like drinking or binging Netflix because you just don't know how to create a different reality for yourself?

Most importantly,

Are you ready to stop living a life that you are trying to escape from?

If not now, then when?


It is your time to:

  • Learn your specific process for radical change and transformation

    Your reality is based on beliefs and programs tucked in your subconscious mind. We bring those hidden parts into acute awareness so you know exactly what is creating blocks within. When you can see it, you don't have to be it.

  • Experience accelerated transformation

    Release trapped trauma energy from your body so you can more easily uplevel your life. Feel the difference when you're no longer attempting to move through a congested energetic field. 

  • Move from confusion to confidence and clarity

    Learn to see the adaptive behaviors created from trauma or disfunction that are continuing to perpetuate a life you don't want. YOU are a powerful creator. Stop creating what you don't want. Start creating what you do!

Hi! I’m Jean. I am glad you’re here!

Jean Atman is a renowned Ascension Guide, a Master of Multidimensional and Transformational Healing, an Expert in Energy Alignment, a Public Speaker, and a Retreat Leader.

With a relentless passion for comprehending the intricate interplay of the mind, body, and spirit, Jean has tirelessly pursued numerous certifications across various modalities, from traditional degrees in Psychology to Quantum Hypnosis techniques.

Jean's primary goal is to help individuals break free from what no longer serves them and equip them with tools for radical transformation. With over two decades of experience working with a diverse global clientele, she has refined her expertise in overcoming deep-seated barriers, dismantling patterns, and conquering self-sabotage. She empowers her clients to transcend the role of passive victims and reassert their free will and choice, allowing them to align with their true selves, path, and purpose.

Jean understands how people inadvertently hinder their progress and empowers them to claim authority over their lives. Her work offers cutting-edge strategies for navigating one's inner world, allowing individuals freedom from their past and the ability to consciously create a life they choose.

If you seek a more fulfilling life, radical transformation, and the ability to finally embrace your true gifts and authentic self, you are in the right place, my friend.


YOU have everything inside of you at this very moment to heal and to change your life permanently.

I created a FREE guidebook for the busy people out there looking for relief from the struggle, the hardship, and those who feel stuck. I include simple, but powerful, tools and techniques that you can easily apply in daily life. Start up-leveling your life today! 

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